Энэ их дажгүй систем байна лэ. хэрэг болох хүмүүс нь ашиглаж үзнэ биз. Гол нь олон хэл дээр ашиглаж болдог юм билээ гэхдээ мэдээж МОНГОЛ хэл маань байхгүй :-(. TUTOS гэж ер нь юу юм бэ гэвэл байна шд. Доорх боломжуудыг агуулсан пх юм гэж
* a calendar for users and groups (incl. screenshot)
* Groups / Teams
* address manager for people, companies and departments (incl. screenshot)
* bug tracking system (incl. screenshot)
* product/project repository (incl. screenshot)
o with task management (incl. screenshot)
o with document management (incl. screenshot)
o with installation management (incl. screenshot)
o support of different roles (manager,developer,customer etc.)
o support of relations to other projects (base product, subproject etc.)
* mailboxes (imap/pop)
* timetracking on projects, installations and bugs
* Invoices / Expenses
* Inventory. Know your stuff
* Watchlists. Stay informed on changes on projects/bugs etc via email.
* Reminder. Let TUTOS remind you about important things
* Testsupport. Define Tests and manage the testprocess
* Scrum. Define a Productbacklog and burn it down in Sprints
* support for teams that are distributed over different timezones
* color themes / layout
* fine grained permission handling
* change history. Every Modification is stored with user and changed values
* customizeable (i.e. additional) database fields / modified text / extended slections
Мөн дараах хэлүүдийг дэмжин ажиллана.
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# Korean (parts only)
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# Dutch
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# Hungarian
# Catalan
# Japanese
Энд дараад татаад аваарай
Суулгаж үзээд сэтгэгдэлээ үлдээнэ гэж найдаж байна.
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